Pan Stanisław, or school in space

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Project promoter: Gimnazjum No. 1 in Lębork

Project coordinator: Anna Rzepa

Partners: Space Research Centre, Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw; Space Research Centre, Polish Academy of Sciences (Poznań) in Borowiec; Microsoft

Supporters: forScience Foundation;; Copernicus Project; Jagiellonian University, Polish Rocket Association

Project logo © Pan Stanisław

The project, whose initial aim was to find a solution to the problem of space waste and to broaden the knowledge and competence of its participants, was launched by teachers and pupils from Gimnazjum No. 1 in Lębork. Thanks to their involvement and the assistance provided by a number of experts, the project became one of the best science projects in the country. It received the patronage of the President of the Republic of Poland, Bronisław Komorowski, and – from Mr Wojciech Zemek, the secretary of Stanisław Lem – the honorary patronage LEM.PL.

The project lasted from November 2013 until March 2015.

The pupils who took part in it had a chance to familiarize themselves with state-of-the-art technologies and astrobiological knowledge, built a rocket and a satellite module, and organised a Science Picnic, which took place at the Borowiec Astrogeodynamic Observatory. They helped prepare a balloon mission and an astrobiological experiment.

The forScience Foundation ran training sessions for pupils on biology and software use. It also helped with preparations for the Science Picnic. Our volunteer Krzysztof Zawierucha (Adam Mickiewicz University) and Agata Kołodziejczyk (forScience) set the assumptions for the astrobiological experiment performed during the Science Picnic and then helped with data analysis.

The project was resumed and is now being run in Lębork and in Słupsk.

More information about the project can be found on its Facebook page.