The aims of the Foundation are:
- the development of basic and applied research through conducting its own research in the fields of natural sciences as well as exact and technical sciences;
- conducting scientific and technical research through initiating, creating, implementing and supporting modern technologies as well as innovative solutions and research methods in science and environmental protection;
- providing scientists with intellectual, organizational, in-kind and financial support;
- popularizing and promoting knowledge related to the sciences specified in Act 1 above, environmental protection and research techniques;
- conducting educational activities aimed at broadening the knowledge of students, doctoral students and school pupils;
- working to support organizations whose statutory aims include activities related to science, technology, education, culture, cultural heritage protection, environmental protection, and charity.
The Foundation realizes its aims by means of:
- conducting research;
- conducting educational activity;
- cooperating on science and popular science projects with organizations and institutions dealing with similar matters;
- administering science projects;
- educating individuals or entities engaged in academic or economic activity in research methods and data analysis;
- organizing workshops and training courses;
- organizing science and popular science conferences, seminars and talks;
- propagating and promoting achievements of Polish explorers, inventors and scientists in Poland and abroad;
- publishing data, preparing newsletters and educational materials;
- conducting activity related to material publication, film, radio, television and multimedia production, and cooperating with the media;
- running science and research centres;
- creating, acquiring and adapting new spaces necessary for scientific activity;
- cooperating with various institutions and companies in order to achieve the statutory aims of the Foundation;
- cooperating with local government authorities, governments and non-governmental organizations within the scope of the statutory aims of the Foundation;
- participating in other enterprises in line with the statutory aims of the Foundation;
- awarding scholarships to talented pupils, students, doctoral students and scientists whose work is directly or indirectly related to natural sciences and environmental protection.